
Supportership Categories

Donation: $50

Newsletter & Weekly Updates, recognition on CMS website, invitation to the annual celebration on main street event

Donation: $200

Newsletter & Weekly Updates, recognition on CMS website with link to your business website* and/or Facebook page*, invitation to the annual celebration on main street, business listed on the downtown visitor map**, media campaign opportunities, co-op advertising opportunities, access to Heritage Ohio educational seminars, webinars and information, subscription to Retail Minded magazine, eligibility for CMS revitalization grants.

Donation: $500

All Partner advantages plus Business logo displayed on 1 Event Banner of your choice.

Donation: $1,000

All Stakeholder advantages plus Business logo displayed on all CMS promotional banners

How To Support

You can become a member of Cambridge Main Street, or renew your membership, by visiting the Main Street office, located at 905 Wheeling Ave or click the link below to download the form.

New & Renewal Supporter form


The purpose of Cambridge Main Street is to enhance the business and residential environment in downtown Cambridge by balancing historic preservation with economic development while retaining and enticing entrepreneurs; and to create positive partnerships that promote an attractive and cultural downtown district.

Because of your contribution, Cambridge Main Street can:

  • Attract and retain good businesses through the use of economic development tools, such as Community Development Block grants, façade and signage grants, and revolving loan funds.
  • Beautification efforts, such as the hanging flower baskets, courthouse and holiday lighting and other aesthetics important to the overall look.
  • Work with state organizations and officials to secure development dollars.
  • Bring people downtown for retail and event experiences
  • Facilitate organization efforts by bringing together community leaders to develop and carry out work plans
  • Highlight our cultural aspects, including our arts and heritage
  • Access grants and funding only available to Main Street communities
By supporting Cambridge Main Street, you are an active, vital participant in the efforts to preserve and strengthen our historic downtown assets that provide a unique and vibrant lifestyle in downtown Cambridge, Ohio. In addition, each member:
  • Invitation to attend annual Celebration of Main Street event
  • Is eligible for a tax deduction
  • Will have a business link on the Cambridge Main Street website
  • Is included in marketing, advertising and social media promotions (Small Business Media Partners Only)
  • Receives notices and invitations to special events and workshops
  • Receives recognition for donations in local media
  • Receives access to financial assistance opportunities for your property or business located within the historic district
  • Gains access to national information networks
  • Most important – all members reap the benefits of a vibrant, eventful downtown, with increased property values, access to grants and promotions, and a brighter future for all